
Arizona Senate Passes HCR 2060: Impact on Women and Girls at the Forefront

The Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona (WFSA) highlights the heightened risks faced by women and girls in Arizona as the state senate passes HCR 2060, a ballot referral dubbed “SB1070 2.0” for its racially charged and unconstitutional provisions driven by taxpayer-funded immigration enforcement. 

This legislation will have severe implications for Arizona’s black and brown women and girls in particular. All aspects of this bill, Including the amendments like those targeting individuals under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, exacerbates these concerns. This bill has no geographic limitations and has no sanctuary locations meaning members of community could be subjected to raids and harassment in places where essential services are provided like in schools and churches.  

WFSA emphasizes that the enactment of this harmful legislation will compound the challenges already faced by women and girls across the state. As seen before, during the days of SB 1070, this type of legislation leads to a deepening mistrust of institutional support systems, including by those seeking healthcare, education, nonprofit services, and criminal justice. Moreover, there could be an increase in unreported domestic violence cases due to fear of deportation, elevated stress-related health issues among women and children, and a rise in teenage marriages. (1)

Katia Jones, Chief Executive Officer of WFSA, states, “This racially biased immigration enforcement will disproportionately burden undocumented women and girls in Arizona, widening the equity gap for women and girls of color statewide. These harmful measures will only make accessing resources and equitable services more difficult, fostering fear within our communities.” 

The monetary impact of HCR 2060 is explored by the The Grand Canyon Institute, who estimates that HCR 2060 would incur a minimum annual cost of $325 million, excluding additional undisclosed law enforcement expenses and reputational damage to the state, which could soar to $1 billion. 

Alejandra Gomez, Executive Director of Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), describes the bill as “an unfunded mandate that would burden the state with the costs of this new unconstitutional enforcement law for cities, counties, and towns.” She adds, “The latest revision of the bill targets DACA recipients, signaling Republicans’ intent to utilize this law for mass deportations and family separations. This is SB1070 2.0, plain and simple.” 

The Arizona Senate voted on HCR 2060 on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.  

1The Impact of SB 1070 on Arizona’s Youth | University of Arizona Law