WFSA strives to remove systemic barriers facing women and girls through statewide policy change. We write, run, support, and enact legislation that levels the playing field. With your support, we can create an Arizona where women and girls of all identities thrive. Join us in removing inequities and economic and social barriers for women and girls.
We are proud to have a track record of advancing issues with bipartisan support. WFSA has successfully championed two bills that have been signed into law:
HB 2016 from the 2021 legislative session, was signed into law in 2021, making it possible for parents to maintain their childcare assistance while enrolling in full-time education and training programs that equip them for in-demand higher-wage jobs that lead to self-sufficiency.
HB 2111 from the 2022 legislative session, ensures single moms have support from the beginning of their pregnancy through a child’s early years through the expansion of the Healthy Families Arizona Program.
HB2648 would expand access to childcare by allowing individuals to enter the system for DES childcare subsidies while pursuing a full-time education, rather than requiring them to first obtain a job. We hope to eliminate a major barrier for parents striving for financial independence and sustainable employment. Contact Representative Bliss to tell her why this bill deserves a hearing with this template email.
SB1197 Salary History Ban prohibits employers from refusing to interview, hire, promote, or employ an applicant based on their decision not to disclose wage history. This bill is a critical step toward ensuring fair hiring practices and closing persistent wage gaps that disproportionately impact women and people of color. Contact Senator Bolick to tell her why this bill deserves a hearing with this template email.
If you have a Request to Speak (RTS) account, please complete the following steps.
If you DO NOT have an RTS Account, please complete our advocacy survey here. Once we receive your information, we will sign you up for an RTS account and sign you in to support the bill.
NOTE: Please do not fill out this survey if you already have an active RTS account. You can check by trying to log on HERE. If you already created a RTS account at home, but are getting an error message that the account must be verified at the capitol, please email for assistance.
The Gender Equity Network brings together advocates from across the state to mobilize, learn, and create system changes that benefit women and girls in Arizona.