
The Struggle for Civil Discourse

Melissa Benjamin, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in Thrive Global. “According to Weber Shandwick’s Civility in America Survey, 75% of Americans surveyed in December of 2016 believed that incivility in American had risen to crisis levels.” […]

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To ease climate anxiety, reconnect with the rythm of the seasons

Theresa Crimmins, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in Scientific American. “Climate-related anxiety and depression is an increasingly common malady. Reestablishing a conscious awareness and a bodily connection with the ebb and flow of the seasons, by observing and documenting what’s happening outside our windows, is a grounding activity that can restore comfort.” […]

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Let’s not turn our backs on refugees

Orhon Myadar, 2019-2020 Fellows. This piece was first published in The Hill. “President Trump signed Executive Order 13888 on Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Refugee Resettlement with the hope that states and local jurisdictions would deny refugees in their communities.” […]

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Let’s Make Holiday Giving a Year Round Thing

Melissa Benjamin, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in Arizona Daily Star. “It’s the holiday season, and along with the holidays comes the holiday spirit — and, for some, the spirit of giving. Surprisingly, this can be a challenging time of year for nonprofits. As a homeless services director for a local nonprofit, I […]

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No home for the holidays: Why colleges should stop forcing students to leave campus during breaks

Elizabeth Slater, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in The Washington Post. “While parents across the country are welcoming their college-going children home for the holidays, Rashel Olalde and other students who are homeless are dreading the month-long campus shutdown.” […]

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Real Tree or Fake? Reducing Your Holiday Carbon Footprint

Theresa Crimmins, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in Arizona Daily Star. “Planting trees is trendy right now. A study published in the journal Science earlier this year proposed that massive-scale tree planting efforts, on the scale of reforesting an area the size of the United Sates, could compensate for up to two-thirds of […]

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Arizona–and American–Need to Cover Fertility Treatments

Kerri Lopez-Howell, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in Arizona Daily Star. “On Dec. 17, Arizona’s Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing to decide whether to move forward on legislation requiring insurance providers to cover IVF treatment for infertile couples and for cancer patients (forced into infertility post-treatment).” […]

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The Five Holiday Gifts Feminist Moms Really Want

Heather Mace, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in Ms. Magazine. “Last week, my husband popped a question that always leaves me speechless: What do you want for Christmas? As a working mother of three, plenty of gifts come to mind: a meal delivery service, a smarter phone, melatonin drops.” […]

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Rebuilding Trust in our Doctors: An Option for our Broken System

Amita Nathwani, 2019-2020 Fellow. This piece was first published in The Health Care Blog. “As Americans increasingly seek out non-pharmaceutical ways to address wellness, they need doctors who can talk to them about such alternatives.” […]

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