Unidas Grants

Unidas, a feminization of the Spanish word unidos (united), teaches young women and gender-expansive folks about leadership, philanthropy, and social justice issues through experience with grantmaking in their own community. A program of the Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona, Unidas participants have researched and analyzed the social justice issues facing women, girls, and gender-expansive folks in our community.

Participants have created this request for proposal and will conduct the application review, site-visits and will select one organization to receive a grant of $5,000 for their grant focus area. The Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona fosters equality and opportunity through support, advocacy, and research. To help all women and other marginalized identities overcome political, gender, and social barriers. We encourage reform in the social climate, promote change in conventional attitudes, and invest in organizations that strive for positive long-term changes.

The Unidas Grant is currently not accepting applicants. Please check back soon for more information.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Programs must serve communities in Arizona.
  • Must be an organization focused on sex education, with an emphasis on queer-affirming/inclusive, comprehensive sex education.
  • Applications are not accepted from individuals, sports teams, political or lobbying organizations, organizations that discriminate, or religious organizations formed for sectarian purposes.
  • Applicants must be in good standing as 501(c)(3) organizations.
  • Grant requests will not be considered for auctions or fundraising events, debt reduction, endowment funds, capital campaigns, litigation or legal expenses, productions, or performances.

Unidas values programs and organizations that:

  • Exhibit a meaningful need for the financial support provided through the grant.
  • Improve the quality of life for women, girls, and gender-expansive folks.
  • Address the causes of problems, as well as provide solutions.
  • Encourage broad-based community involvement.
  • Have programs that may be replicated.
  • Have a long-term perspective.
  • Have demonstrated successful outcomes or are willing to evaluate the effectiveness of their programs.
  • Collaborate to improve efficiency or effectiveness.

Grant timeline:

Grant Application Opens

Grant Application Closes

Interviews/Site Visits

Grant Award Announcement

Grant Award Distribution

  1. To apply, you will need to create an account with Common Grant.
  2. Then, search “Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona” in the Grantmakers search bar.
  3. Click the blue button to the right that says “select program.”
  4. You will then be taken to a page with our open grants. Scroll down to “Unidas Grant” and select “Start Draft App” to be taken to the application.

Questions/Techincal Assistance:

Common Grant Online Application: Technical questions about the Common Grant portal can be directed to Common Grant by clicking here.